Alpine SOILutions Congress

November 2021, online



“Alpine SOILutions” is an interactive digital congress format for university students to:

  • develop visions and prototype ideas for soil protection.
  • relate to future challenges and climate change.
  • enhance creative thinking in soil sciences.

The Alpine SOILutions Congress brings together soil experts (science, regional authorities) and practitioners (foresters, farmers) with students of soil-related subjects.

To make working fields and current challenges for sustainable soil management visible.


In the face of changing climate and societal challenges, living soils provide solutions for a sustainable future.

Which ideas, activities, messages, or approaches could help show the potential of healthy soils? How can sustainable soil management tackle our current social and ecological challenges?

Agriculture, forestry, climate protection, climate change adaptation, ecosystem services,  spatial planning, soil sealing, nature protection, biodiversity, health and tourism
– topics that concern largely sustainable management of soils will be tackled in the course of this Alpine SOILutions Congress.


The Alpine SOILutions Congress is an adaptation of the renowned Global Goals Design Challenge:

Accompanied by experienced facilitators, the participants are invited to clarify their personal interest regarding sustainable soil management and will develop ideas, concepts and prototypes for the implementation.

This can be a topic for a scientific thesis, a product, an event, a communication tool or other.


You can take part in the Alpine SOILutions Congress if you are

  • A Student of a soil-relevant studies: agriculture, forestry, geography, biology, environmental science, spatial and landscape planning, regional development.
  • From an Alpine country: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland.

You will get a certificate of participation with 80 % attendance.

Organizational details 

  • 50-80 participants allowed
  • Working Language: English
  • Online meetings via Zoom
  • Technical requirements: stable internet connection, webcam and microphone


  • 17.11.2021    Kick-off meeting
  • 26.11.2021    Concept development & ideation
  • 27.11.2021    Prototyping & Fine-tuning
  • 01.12.2021    Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Alpine Soil Partnership

What is in for you?

  • Find relevant topics e.g. for a final thesis or voluntary engagement
  • Get feedback on your idea from experts
  • Meet students from other Alpine countries and soil experts
  • Bring innovative ideas to a broader public (Alpine Soil Partnership)
  • Gather extra-curricular experience

Who we are:

The Alpine Soil Partnership was founded as part of the Interreg Alpine Space project Links4Soils. Currently it consists of 110 members in the Alpine area: soil experts, public authorities, international organizations, private consultancies, spatial and landscape planners.


Maria Legner, , +43 512 583558-23
Klimabündnis Tirol & Coordination Unit of the Alpine Soil Partnership

The Alpine SOILutions Congress is funded by the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action (BMKUEMIT), the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Swiss Federal Office for Environment (BAFU) in close cooperation with the Alpine Convention Soil Working Group.

You can Register here until 15th October!