Austrian soil institution


University of Innsbruck – Institute of Geography

Universität Innsbruck – Institut für Geographie

Field of work: spatial planning, natural hazards, tourism, urban and construction, nature protection, soil properties, soil organic matter, irrigation, soil management, soil conservation, sustainability, ground water, soil database, GIS


Climate Alliance Austria

Klimabündnis Österreich

Field of work: nature protection, soil awareness raising, soil management, sustainability, best practices, support, organizing, events, workshops, education


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna – Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of Forest Ecology

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien – Department für Wald- und Bodenwissenschaften, Institut für Waldökologie

Field of work: forestry, nature protection, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, prevention, roots and mycorrhizae, edcuation


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna – Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of Soil Research

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien – Department für Wald- und Bodenwissenschaften, Institut für Bodenforschung

Field of work: soil biology, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, pesticides, education


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna – Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research, Institute of Zoology

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien – Department für Integrative Biologie und Biodiversitätsforschung, Institut für Zoologie

Field of work: soil zoology, ecological and zoological resarch


University Vienna – Institute for Geography and Regional Research, Working Group Geoecology

Universität Wien – Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Arbeitsgruppe Geoökologie

Field of work: soil biology, soil evaluation, soil properties, ground water, wetland ecology, greenhouse gases, soil systems, soil geography


AGES – Department for Soil Health and Plant Nutrition

AGES – Abteilung Bodengesundheit und Pflanzenernährung

Field of work: agriculture, soil awareness rising, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, pesticides, soil database, support


Office of the Provincial Government Tyrol – Institute for Chemical-technical Environmental Protection

Land Tirol – Chemisch-technische Umweltschutzanstalt

Field of work: soil biology, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil evaluation, pesticides


Office of the Provincial Government Vorarlberg – Institute of Ecology

Land Vorarlberg – Umweltinstitut

Field of work: nature protection, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, pesticides, regional development, support


Office of the Provincial Government Salzburg

Land Salzburg – Abteilung Lebensgrundlagen und Energie, Referat 4/07 – Agrarwirtschaft, Bodenschutz und Almen

Field of work: agriculture, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, regional development


Office of the Provincial Government Upper Austria – Department of environmental protection

Land Oberösterreich – Abteilung Umweltschutz

Field of work: nature protection, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, pesticides, regional development, improving, support, organizing, events, workshops, education


Office of the Styrian Provincial Government – Institute for Soil- and Plant Analysis

Land Steiermark – Referat Boden- und Pflanzenanalytik

Field of work: forestry, agriculture, soil quality, ground water, pesticides


University of Technology Graz – Faculty of Civil Engineering Sciences, Institute of Applied Geosciences

Technische Universität Graz – Fakultät für Bauingenieurswissenschaften

Field of work: urban, construction, general geology and mineralogy


Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Field of work: agriculture, soil evaluation, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, pesticides, education


Federal Office for Water Management – Institute for Civil Engineering and Water Management

Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft – Institut für Kulturtechnik und Bodenwasserhaushalt

Field of work: natural hazards, urban and construction, soil properties, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, pesticides, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, landscape planning


Chamber of Agriculture Upper Austria – Unit Soil.Water.Protection.Consultancy

Landwirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich – Referat Boden.Wasser.Schutz.Beratung

Field of work: agriculture, soil awareness rising, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, pesticides, improving, support


Chamber of Agriculture Salzburg

Landwirtschaftskammer Salzburg

Field of work: agriculture, soil awareness rising, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, pesticides, improving, support


Chamber of Agriculture Styria

Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark

Field of work: agriculture, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil evaluation,ground water, pesticides, support


Chamber of Agriculture Burgenland

Burgenländische Landwirtschaftskammer

Field of work: agriculture, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, education


Federl Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism

Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus

Field of work: nature protection, agriculture, soil, soil management, sustainability, improving, support


Federal Forest Office – Department of Forest Ecology and Soils

Bundesamt für Wald – Institut für Waldökologie und Boden

Field of work: forestry, urban and construction, soil awareness rising, soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, irrigation, pesticides, soil database, GIS, prevention, events, workshops, education


Austrian Federal Environment Agency – Environment Analysis

Umweltbundesamt – Umweltanalytik

Field of work: nature protection, spatial planning, soil awareness rising, soil, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, pesticides, landscape planning, best practices, support, organizing events, workshops, education


Austrian Federal Environment Agency – Soil Management and Spatial Planning

Umweltbundesamt – Boden und Flächenmanagement

Field of work: nature protection, spatial planning, soil awareness rising, soil, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, spatial planning, landscape planning, support


Montan University Leoben – Chair of Waste Processing Technology and Waste Management

Montanuniversität Leoben – Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft

Field of work: waste management, soil, contamination, education


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH – Environmental Resources & Technologies

Field of work: nature protection, restoration of contaminated sites, soil properties, soil quality, soil evaluation, pesticides


Austrian Standards (EN)

Austrian Standards (DE)

Field of work: standardization