Soil Awareness

The soil is an invisible good to most people and yet, just as water and air, crucial for our surviving. Not just for children but also for us adults it is essential to communicate the importance of soil in interesting, playful ways:

  • Changing the perspective helps: Diving into the “underground” soil like in the museum Osnabrück.
  • Integrate the topic of soil in schools by applying interactive learning approaches
  • A picture says more than 1000 words: Documentary movies can give light introductions on the complex dynamics and mechanisms of soil.
  • Use new technologies and Android apps to gather soil data
  • Infographics can show links of soils to topics of high social importance.
  • Inspire. And be surprised! Awareness raising means to build up people’s capacity to act.

Bruno Braunerde und die Bodentypen
Bruno Braunerde – Visualizes in a
playful way the different soil types. (DE)
Visualizitaion of soil for kids
Bodenreise – Takes you on a journey
through the ground while giving you different missions to complete (DE FR IT)"
Research to pracitce
Measuring Soil Porosity – A short overview (ENG)
Boden Macht Schule Website
Practice-oriented information package of
workshops offers students and teachers a professional supplement to the lessons (DE)
Logo Bodenwelten
Bodenwelten - offers information, ideas for teaching, approaches to soil protection, or opportunity to discuss soil conservation (DE)
Logo of the Austrian Bodenplattform
Bodenplattform – offers, among others, teaching material (DE)
Wilbur the Soil Wizard; soil for kids
Wilbur the soil wizard takes you
below the ground to show you his world. (ENG)

Logo The Soil Story
It’s a story whose time has come. It’s
a story that could heal our planet. (ENG IT FR SP DE)
Logo Kiss the ground
Our mission: humanity is living regeneratively. Coming 2018 (ENG)
Logo compost story
Composting is the most important action humans can take to regenerate our planet. (ENG)
Permaculutre perspective
Inhabit provides an intimate look at permaculture people and practices ranging from rural, suburban, and urban landscapes. (ENG)
Lets talk about soil hourglass
Let’s Talk about Soil –A 5min annimation telling about soil resources, covering degradation, urbanization, overexploitation; inlcuding options how to manage soils more sustainable. (ENG DE FR SP PO IT) ttps://
Better save soil
Better Save Soil – Fertile soil forms the foundation of our modern societies. Although we should be doing everything we can to sustain it, when we look around us, we see a very different story. (ENG DE SP IT FR PO)
Food, INC. Movie Logo
This powerful film changed the way millions of Americans eat. Find out why. (ENG)
Symphonie of the soil movie logo
An artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil. (ENG with sbt i n FR Sp IT DE PO)
BOKU Kostbare Kacke movie
Nowadays, not only can a certain scarcity can be reduced to fossil energy, but nutrients are finite too. Phosphorus has- same as oil – passed it’s “peak” already. (DE)
Dirt the movie
DIRT! –brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. (ENG)

Soil Biodiverstity Atlas
Maps the soil biodiversity of the entire planet providing a detailed analysis of soil organisms and the threats to soil at global scale. (ENG)
Die Humusrevolution Regenerative Agrikultur
The humus revolution. How we heal the soil, save the climate and make the nutritional change. (DE)

FAO Infographic 95% of our food comes from our soil
A FAO collection of infographics about soil and water, climate change, food, threats, functions and biodiversity. (ENG)
Land for the few; land distribution Europe
A series of infographics that expose the massive concentration of land in Europe. (ENG)
Unlock the secrets of the soil
These informative graphics provide a glimpse of just some of the soils secrets. (ENG)
clean planet; healthy soils; soil functions
Illustrations about how to keep our planet clean. With information about soil functions and how to maintain soil health. (ENG)
soil infographics
Collection of infographics on different topics related to soil.
Good Soi; Support for small-scale farmer
Nearly one person in nine in the world doesn’t get enough to eat, and farmers make up more than 70% of those who are hungry. (ENG FR)
Healthy soil infographics
Believe it or not, there are a lot of interesting facts about healthy soil. These entertaining and informative graphics provide a glimpse of just some of those secrets. (ENG)
infographics on soil
A cllection of soil related infographics. (ENG)
earth worm
Earthworms play a very special role in the soil ecosystem. How they can improve the soil can be seen in this inofgraphic.
Boden gut machen; Flächenverbrauch in Deutschland
Infographic about Germany’s land use. (DE)
Österreich Flächenberbrauch
Infographic about the area of soil Austria is loosing every year. (DE)
FAO international year of soil fact sheets
A collection of FAO factsheets on soil realted topics as water, biodiversity, feed, climate. (ENG)
Soil Atlas
The soil seems to be inexhaustible. This Soil Atlas shows why the soil should concern us all. (ENG)
Soil Types
Factsheet about the main soil types and their characteristics. (ENG)
Soil health
Collection of factsheets about soil health and your farm’s potential. (ENG)
Soil erosion
Collection of factsheets from types of erosion to preventing erosion. (ENG)
Soil acidity factsheet
Collection of factsheets giving a basic understanding about soil acidity, biological fertility, carbon storage etc. (ENG)

Soil info app
Soil Info App – global soil data on your palm! It provides free access to soil data across borders.
Soil colour chart
Soil Color Chart – This app is a reference to a colour chart for soil classification.
Soil pH: Soil quality
Soil Quality – a revolutionary way to examine and estimate the pH level of the soil and every liquid or substance who dissolves in water.
Texture Trianlge
Enter the values (%) for the parts of clay, silt and sand. Ideal for all Agronomy professionals, biologists, geographers etc.
Soil Sampler
Soil Sampler- The most popular tool for effective precision agriculture and getting soil samples in your fields.
Soil Sampling with GPS
Saves information of every soil sample collected and providing GPS coordinates. All all sampled points can be viewed on GoogleMaps.
my Soil
mySoil lets you take a soil properties map of Europe with you wherever you go and with your phone’s GPS you’ll know exactly where you are.
Land PKS
LandInfo makes soil and site characterization fast and easy! You can enter data about soil texture, topography and easily observable soil properties.
GPS Measurements
GPS Measuremetn- Intuitive app letting you manage area, distance and scope with integrated GPS field survey.

World Soil Museum Wageningen
Wordl Soil Museum – For anyone that wants to learn about soils in life and ecosystems, and see the enormous variation of soil types in the world. (ENG NL)
unter.Welten Museum Boden
unter.Welten – an exhibition about the universe below our feet, answering the question whom we’re actually stepping on the head the whole time. (DE)
Das Land das wir uns nemen
The exhibition “The land we take” focuses on grabbing tropical rainforest and arable land – and what we have to do with it. (DE)

An overview of different educational soil trails in Austria. (DE)
Hagelversicherung – an insurance – is counting the m² of agricultural area that has been lost due to constructions in 2018 already. (DE)