December, 2020

The Alpine Soil Partnersip will continue!

Dear friends,


We are starting the second phase of the Alpine Soil Partnership! 
After the successful ending of Links4Soils, we are bringing our results on living quality soil on the ground.

If you want to receive a token of our work incl. an extract of project results, along with the latest news and facts around the Alpine Soil Partnership please fill out the form here.

“You have to feed soil organisms who will then feed you.” This sentence of Vandana Shiva in an interview with Climate Alliance Tyrol summarizes well the focus of the Alpine Soil Partnership, namely enhancing living quality soils by appropriate and sustainable land-use practices.

There is more reason for celebration: The 5th December is World Soil Day, celebrating and raising awareness for the importance of soil. The 11th of December is International Mountain Day.

It is sheer impossible with the multitude of organisations working towards sustainable soil management to give a good summary. We try to put together some – in our understanding – valuable contributions to inspire and inform about goings-on.
In the contributions below, you find a variety of publications, announcements and videos. Feel free to spread the information, show the videos on any occasions or share them with people that could be interested in them.

  • Links4Soils results
  • Videos on soils
  • Consultation on the Soil Strategy of the European Commission
  • European Soil Award

Wishing you a happy World Soil Day!

Maria Legner on behalf of the Alpine Soil Partnership




On the topic “Living soils” the Alpine Soil Partnership proudly presents “Lumbricus Terrestris”: A humorous view on the earthworm by „Fräulein Brehm“ – with subtitles in all Alpine languages


Alpine Soil Partnership

Find all the information about the Alpine Soil Partnership here.
Thanks to the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate, the German Ministry for Environment and the Swiss Federal Environmental Agency in cooperation with the Alpine Convention we are able to keep our activities in the Alpine Soil Partnership alive by a financed coordination unit situated at the Climate Alliance Tyrol.