20-21 November 2018

Registration for the 2nd Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region is open

The 2nd EUSALP Annual Forum will take place on 20 and 21 November at the Congress Innsbruck. The event, jointly organised by the Tyrolean EUSALP Presidency and the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, will address the motto “shaping.future.together. with the next generation”.

Young people will discuss with politicians, experts and citizens central Alpine topics such as sustainable transport solutions for the Alpine region, vocational training, management of natural hazards, the use of Alpine natural and cultural resources or renewable energy. The aim is to find solutions together and to strengthen cooperation for the future of the Alps.

A particular focus will be on the involvement of young people in the EUSALP. In this context, it will be discussed how young people can be better integrated into the framework of the Strategy and how the Alpine Region can be preserved and further developed as a living and working space for future generations. In the framework of the contest “Pitch your project”, a highlight of the Forum, young people can present their own Alpine project and contribute in a very concrete way to the future regional development.

The deadline for registration is 18 November 2018, subject to availability of places (registration might close earlier).

You can find more information, including a draft agenda and practical information under  www.eusalpforum2018.com.