How to sustainably manage soils in municipalities?
More than 30 participants joined the four afternoon sessions under the umbrella topic “Pave the ground for the future” (Der Zukunft den Boden bereiten) to exchange, discuss and develop ideas and possibilities for sustainable soil management.
The participation of two regional governors of Tyrol showed that also for the political level soil is highly relevant and dealt with e.g. in the Tyrolean EUSALP presidency this year where a Soil Declaration will be formally decided on.
The cooperation with EUSALP namely with the Permanent Secretary of the Alpine Convention proved to be very fruitful and enabled to use synergies.
Topics that were discussed in the workshop series can be summarised around the topics:
- Spatial planning instruments to reduce urban sprawl and develop settlement cores and vacancies
- Climate change adaptation and sustainable decisions for the future
- Green and permeable structures in municipalities
- How to deal with soil information in form of soil function maps
- How does organic agriculture deal with soils? How can soil organic carbon be stored?
The workshop series was designed very practice-oriented and showed with already implemented examples how sustainable soil management is possible in practice!