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An umbrella over the Alps

Since its founding in 1952 CIPRA has been bringing people and organisations together across cultural, geographic, political and language divides, people who are committed to sustainable development in the Alps; it has done so as an umbrella organization since 1975. Its members include more than 100 associations, organisations and individuals.

Politically motivated

CIPRA strives to lend more weight to Alpine policy on the international stage. 1991 was a milestone year, with the signing of the Alpine Convention. CIPRA sits on the Alpine Convention’s committees as an official observer, contributing ideas and a basis for discussion on topical issues, and expresses critical views on a range of positions, strategies and action plans.

Incentives for towns, cities and municipalities

In 1996 CIPRA helped bring about the founding of the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities. Since then it has been driving its further development forward, carrying out its projects, and providing administrative services. CIPRA also runs the executive office of the Alpine Town of the Year Association, founded in 1997, and implements its projects.

In-depth information across the Alps

CIPRA communicates in a multitude of languages, providing in-depth, reliable information. In the International Year of the Mountains 2002 it launched alpMedia, an Alpine-wide information service. The newsletter provides regular news, information and event details from all the Alpine states. The information is continually updated on this website.

Mediating and fostering

CIPRA encourages others to take action. Through a wide variety of projects it demonstrates how this can be done: building houses that generate more energy than they consume; creating corridors so that animals and plants are able to move and reproduce freely; assisting with climate change mitigation and adapting to climate change without harming nature. Learning from and with others is the motto.