German soil experts
dr. Gertraud Sutor
Expertise: soil, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, soil database, GIS, prevention, spatial planning, landscape planning, regional development, best practices, data management, improving, support, organizing, events, workshops
Sectors: spatial planning, nature protection, soil awareness raising
Ludwig Pertl
Expertise: soil, soil properties, soil fertility, soil quality, soil organic matter, soil functions, soil evaluation, soil protection, soil management, sustainability, ground water, improving, support, events
Sectors: forestry, natural hazards, nature protection, soil awareness raising
dr. Robert Traidl
Expertise: soil mapping, alpine soils, pedogenesis, soil classification, alpine landscapes, stratified slope deposits, geomorphology
Sectors: soil survey
dr. Carola Küfmann
Expertise: soils in mountainous and high-mountainous regions, soil genesis in karstic landscapes (Chromic Cambisols, Terrae calcis), soil genesis on allochthonous sediments (loess-like substrata), eolian soil types in calcarous setting, dust-influenced terrae calcis, Saharan dust influx on alpine soils
Sectors: soil changes, soil and nature protection, soil awareness raising
dr. Jörg Prietzel
Expertise: soil organic matter, SOM chemistry, Tangelhumus, ungulate disturbance effects on mountain forests and soils, forest management effects, soil microclimate
Sectors: forest and range soils