Seminar on high-elevation water quality
Within the Links4Soils project, on November 20th, the University of Turin (UNITO) in collaboration with the CNR-IRSA (Italian National Research Council – Water Research Institute) gave a seminar about the effects of frozen soils and cryospheric features (glaciers and rock glaciers) dynamics on water quality in high-elevation sites. The seminar was held in Verbania-Pallanza (Italy) and was attended by approximately 30 participants.
Degradation of frozen soils and thawing cryospheric features have been reported to impact surface water quality across the globe due to an increased release of ions and trace elements. During the seminar, UNITO and CNR-IRSA researchers presented the results of the studies performed in the Istituto Mosso – Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site (Col d’Olen area, Western Italian Alps, 2901m a.s.l.), a node of the LTER network in Italy (http://www.lteritalia.it).