Sat 21 July 2018

Invitation to Alpine Symposium on Regional Solutions for Sustainable Soil Management & Climate Resilient Municipalities

The next Links4Soils project partner meeting and steering group meeting of the Alpine Soil Partnership (AlpSP) will take place on 6th-8th November 2018 in Munich to formulate the First Action Plan of the AlpSP.

Sustainable soil management means adapting land uses to changing climate conditions. Especially in forestry this long-term perspective needs to be taken into account.
How can living soils help us meet future challenges?

The next Links4Soils project partner meeting and steering group meeting of the Alpine Soil Partnership (AlpSP) will take place on 6th-8th November 2018 in Munich to formulate the First Action Plan of the AlpSP.

On this occusion we will organise a Regional Symposium on Sustainable Soil Management & Climate Resilient Municipalities!

You are cordially invited to join, see the latest results of soil improvements and measurements for forest climate adapation. More information in the agenda below!